The 2018-19 Teen Leaders in Philanthropy class includes 50 teenagers from 25 high schools across the state.
Protect yourself from the summer sun
As bad as the instant regret can be from a sunburn, the long-term effects pose the most substantial threat.
OMRF secures $2.6 million flu grant
Alberola-Ila will investigate the role a type of white blood cell plays in mounting the body’s response against flu infection.
Debugging: How to avoid insect-borne diseases
The CDC reports that the number of Americans infected by insect-borne illnesses has more than tripled since 2004.
You never outgrow the need for vaccines
Vaccinations are an important part of staying healthy for all adults.
OMRF hosts 2018 Loyal Donors reception
OMRF officials brought more than 110 long-time donors together from across the state to celebrate their dedicated supporters at the annual Loyal Donor Society reception.