Grants will fund equipment, medical research projects
Hal Scofield
Bodywork: Can you train your body for the cold?
Adam’s Journal We just survived what I hope will be the last arctic blast of this winter. And, wow, was it freezing out there. Is there any way we can prepare our bodies to better weather (sorry – Dad joke) the cold? Dr. Scofield Prescribes The good news is that there are things we can […]
Bodywork: A new option for treating pain
Adam’s Journal Here’s a question from an Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation coworker: Last month, the Food and Drug Administration approved Journavx, a new drug to treat pain. I read that it is the first new prescription pain medication in more than 25 years. That sounds like a big deal. Is it? Brent Keck Dr. Scofield […]
Bodywork: Continuous glucose monitors for everyone?
Adam’s Journal My wife recently read a book recommending that everyone wear a continuous glucose monitor to track their blood sugar levels. What do you think? Dr. Scofield Prescribes Around the time I became an endocrinologist, self-monitoring of blood glucose became the standard of care for diabetes patients. Since then, the technology has advanced to […]
Bodywork: Can you change your lactose tolerance?
Adam’s Journal Over Thanksgiving, my son mentioned to me that he’d been having some issues with lactose intolerance. However, he said he’d overcome them through something I will call a dairy boot camp, where he consumed a lot of milk products to train his gut to tolerate them. This was the first I’d heard that […]
Bodywork: The increased risk of concussions for girls who play soccer
Adam’s Journal In addition to your day job as a physician-researcher at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, I know you spend a good deal of time and energy as a referee for youth soccer. With the fall season recently having come to an end, I wondered whether there were any issues that stood out to […]