OMRF officials brought more than 110 long-time donors together from across the state to celebrate their dedicated supporters at the annual Loyal Donor Society reception.
Protecting moms from autoimmune disease
While we celebrate mothers this weekend, scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation are working constantly to protect them.
Discovery could explain cell division errors in cancer
New findings provide a better understanding of how cells replicate, and it could help outline how and why this process goes wrong in cancer.
OMRF announces 2018 Fleming Scholar class
OMRF has selected 13 Oklahoma high school and college students as Sir Alexander Fleming Scholars for 2018.
OMRF discovers new approach to treating obesity
The findings could potentially lead to new drugs to help weight loss or combat obesity and associated metabolic disorders.
New colon cancer finding could lead to earlier diagnosis—and better outcomes
The most common method of screening for colon cancer is a colonoscopy. However, certain cancer-causing polyps can be easily missed during an examination.