OMRF scientist Gary Gorbsky, Ph.D., will use the funds to pursue general research projects related to cell division.
Discovery could help treat Tylenol overdoses
New research from OMRF has pinpointed the cause of liver bleeding during acetaminophen overdose, as well as a possible treatment.
OMRF secures $2.6 million flu grant
Alberola-Ila will investigate the role a type of white blood cell plays in mounting the body’s response against flu infection.
OMRF discovers new approach to treating obesity
The findings could potentially lead to new drugs to help weight loss or combat obesity and associated metabolic disorders.
OMRF discovery could lead to new therapies for MS
OMRF researchers found that, in laboratory mice, a particular white blood cell seems to play a key role in MS.
OMRF finds new clues to why diabetes harms the heart
The findings could lead to new treatments to limit the damaging cardiac effects of diabetes.