While we celebrate mothers this weekend, scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation are working constantly to protect them.
multiple sclerosis
OMRF scientist receives grant to study rare autoimmune disorder
The National Eye Institute will provide Bob Axtell with $2.8 million to study NMO.
OMRF Multiple Sclerosis Center wins top MS research award
The Scheinberg Award recognizes research excellence in the field of neurorehabiliation in MS.
OMRF names new board member and VP
OMRF hosted its semiannual meeting on Thursday.
Autoimmune Disease
Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Sjögren’s syndrome and more than 80 other disorders known as autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the immune system becomes unbalanced and turns on the body instead of protecting it. Many of these illnesses strike women at much higher rates than men. OMRF physicians and researchers are looking for the […]
New OMRF grant to investigate rare autoimmune disease
OMRF has received $646,000 to study the genetic origins of NMO.