Oklahoma City-County Health Department will use wastewater data in response planning.
Researchers study how COVID-19 affects your heart
Heart problems are side effects rarely discussed with Covid-19 but doctors say it could mean the difference between life or death.
Don’t let Covid-19 break your heart this Valentine’s Day
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., and experts warn that Covid-19’s effects on the heart may cement that ranking for years to come.
Fitness resolutions after Covid-19? Take it slow, experts advise
While many will contemplate returning to exercise routines in the new year, experts agree: Don’t rush it.
Geroscience research collaboration continues with $5.3 million grant
OU Health has been awarded a $5.3 million federal grant to continue a partnership with OMRF and the VA on research into the biology of aging and the role it plays in the onset of diseases like cancer and diabetes.
Shah joins OMRF Technology Ventures
At OMRF, Shah will serve as a technology development specialist.