Here are a few tips from aging experts for making your golden years truly golden.
Spring allergies take toll on Oklahomans
Oklahoma City and Tulsa again placed among the worst cities in America for springtime allergies.
Experts propose improving clinical trials for lupus
The goal of the new white paper is to create a dramatic shift in how lupus clinical trials are conducted so effective treatments can stand a chance to succeed.
Discovery could explain cell division errors in cancer
New findings provide a better understanding of how cells replicate, and it could help outline how and why this process goes wrong in cancer.
OMRF honors Everest, five scientists
At its annual honors and awards ceremony on Thursday, OMRF presented Christy Everest with its Board of Directors Distinguished Service Award.
OMRF announces 2018 Fleming Scholar class
OMRF has selected 13 Oklahoma high school and college students as Sir Alexander Fleming Scholars for 2018.