The idea was created when testing materials were in short supply at the beginning of the pandemic.
Dream team: OMRF, OU join forces to battle the virus
When Covid-19 hit Oklahoma, the state had only minimal testing options available. OMRF and OU joined forces to change that.
Can exercise save us from the virus?
We all know that exercise is good for us, but motivation can be hard. However, during a pandemic, exercise might – literally – save our lives.
FDA grants designations for OMRF brain tumor drug
The Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation is one step closer to beating rare forms of brain cancers.
OMRF brain tumor drug receives rare disease designations from the FDA
The drug treats fast-growing, deadly brain cancers with no effective treatment.
OMRF receives $2.2 million to study brain cells
The National Institutes of Health has awarded OMRF scientist Tommy Lewis $2.2 million to study the inner workings of brain cells.