Typically, a promising new experimental drug arrives on the scene with a flourish. But sometimes, it’s a long and winding road.
Bodywork: Vaccinations and Guillan-Barré syndrome
Is it safe to get the vaccinations for the flu, pneumonia, shingles, and so on if you have a history of Guillan-Barré syndrome?
Be My Dr. Valentine
OMRF couple balances a life shared in the lab and home.
Cold case: How is DNA preserved to solve old crimes?
A big key to solving cold cases, is, fittingly, cold storage.
Business of Health: The New Old Age
Today, 19 percent of Oklahomans are over the age of 60. By 2035, that figure is projected to be 1 in 4.
Acing Aging: Health tips for your golden years
You don’t have to be a scientist to get a leg up on the aging process.