The Lupus Research Alliance is the world’s leading private funder of lupus research.
Trial Run
By Adam Cohen The author decided to learn about clinical research by volunteering as a study participant there was only one, small problem. I’ve never been a big fan of needles. The very mention of the word takes me back to the allergy shots I received as a kid. Every spring and summer, […]
OMRF rheumatologist honored by Lupus Foundation of America
OMRF VP of Clinical Affairs Judith James received a pair of distinguished honors at the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting.
Eastern Star donates more than $40k to OMRF research
The donation continues the Eastern Star’s long history of generosity to OMRF, with gifts totaling $382,424.
OMRF findings could improve individualized lupus treatment options
The findings will help push clinicians closer to personalized medicine for lupus sufferers.
Genes, Epstein-Barr virus may trigger lupus in some
Scientists have long known lupus has a strong genetic component, but there also must be environmental triggers to activate the disease.