Three students from United States service academies have completed biomedical research summer internships at OMRF.
air force
Retired Air Force physician leaves lasting legacy, donates millions to OMRF
When the retired Air Force physician passed away at the age of 83, he left $2.2 million to OMRF..
Retired Air Force physician leaves $2.2 million to OMRF
The gift will fund research at OMRF where it is needed most.
Three military academy students complete research program at OMRF
The Saxon program is designed to provide military academy students with an opportunity to work side-by-side with OMRF’s senior scientists.
Military students receive summer science training at OMRF
Two students from the Naval Academy and one from the Air Force Academy participated in the OMRF’s ninth annual Saxon program.
Military academy students get hands-on lab experience at OMRF
The Saxon program provides military academy students with an opportunity to work alongside OMRF senior scientists.