The center offers researchers the ability to raise and study mice in an environment free of germs and microbes.
OMRF researchers identify gene mutation present in pair of diseases
OMRF researchers found mutations in PDGF receptor beta can trigger two rare diseases.
OMRF researchers find that a biological “good guy” has a dark side
Enzyme thought harmless may be more dangerous than first believed
OMRF launches initiative in Functional and Chemical Genomics
New program will focus on genetic and epigenetic studies of disease.
Researchers turn years of heart science on its ear
McEver finds new information about a protein vital to the immune response
Mighty Mouse
How do you study humans without studying humans? With mice, of course! These living test tubes closely mimic the genetic makeup of humans—95 percent close, in fact. And their small size and short gestation period make them ideal models for studying human disease. But in research, the garden-variety rodent doesn’t make the cut. Technological advances […]