OU Health has been awarded a $5.3 million federal grant to continue a partnership with OMRF and the VA on research into the biology of aging and the role it plays in the onset of diseases like cancer and diabetes.
Why we want our workforce to vote
If there’s one thing Democrats and Republicans can agree on, it’s that no less than the future of this country is at stake in Tuesday’s presidential election.
OMRF receives $1.2 million to study diseases of aging
OMRF scientist Benjamin Miller received the pair of grants to study how to prevent muscle loss in older adults and other diseases of aging.
OMRF receives $2.2 million to study protein’s role in reproduction, cancer
OMRF researcher Jian Li received a new grant to investigate the role that a cellular protein called HSF1 plays in cell division and growth.
OMRF Says COVID Research Could Impact Other Projects
The potential life-saving advancements made in COVID research is extraordinarily important, but it’s coming at the expense of other research.
OMRF looks to digestive system for origins of osteoarthritis
The NIH has awarded OMRF scientist Matlock Jeffries $874,000 to launch an innovative study of the origin and progression of OA.