Scientists adapt to a changed research environment.
The Long and Winding Road
From West Bengal, India, to America’s heartland, Dr. Jasim Ahamed’s path to Oklahoma began by the light of a kerosene lamp.
Virus survivor pays it forward as research volunteer
When Covid-19 hit James Richardson, it hit him hard. Now, he is using his experience to help others.
National science association elects OMRF’s McEver as a fellow
Dr. Rod McEver was elected as an AAAS Fellow for his research in cardiovascular biology and hematology.
Oklahoma Doctor Offers Closer Look At Research Behind COVID-19 Vaccine
In Oklahoma, a vaccine may only be days away from arriving for healthcare workers. Senator James Lankford said the COVID-19 vaccine could be here in Oklahoma this weekend, or Monday.
Have yourself a Covid-free holiday season
For the holidays during a pandemic, you can’t beat home, sweet home.