Dr. Wan Hee Yoon’s discovery links nine children who displayed an array of symptoms.
Bodywork: Are cold hands cause for alarm?
The other day, even with gloves, my fingers were so cold and numb that I had trouble unlocking my door. Is this something I need to worry about?
OMRF makes potential heart failure breakthrough
The discovery by scientist Jasim Ahamed, Ph.D., now awaits a clinical trial.
Bodywork: Five questions for a healthier Thanksgiving
For Thanksgiving, I have some health questions. Let’s start with one I hear pretty much every year: Does eating turkey actually make you sleepy?
OMRF experts offer tips for a safer holiday gathering
Precautions can help you avoid getting Covid-19 during your Thanksgiving celebration.
Bodywork: Do braces provide real relief for tennis elbow?
Are braces for joints another example of the placebo effect, or are they for real?