I know that our lifespans are determined by a combination of nature and nurture. But if you had to pick a number, just how much of a role do genes play in our longevity?
Bodywork: Sneezing in the Sun? It May Be ACHOO Syndrome (Seriously)
My father and one of my sons have a strange reaction when they look directly at the sun or a bright light: They sneeze.
Bodywork: Getting to the heart of the sunscreen numbers game
Is higher SPF always best? Or is there some point where enough is enough?
Bodywork: Time to worry about aspartame?
I’ve heard that the World Health Organization declared aspartame a carcinogen. As regular Diet Coke and Coke Zero drinker, should I be worried?
Bodywork: The risks and benefits of hot weather training
Does working out in the heat – as opposed to a cooler, more comfortable environment – have any additional benefits?
Bodywork: How AI is changing health care
Pretty much everywhere I turn, I hear a new story about artificial intelligence. Has AI yet begun to impact the practice of medicine? And how might it affect how physicians and other providers care for patients in the future?