Findings from OMRF could clarify a lingering mystery about chemical changes in the brain that occur during stress-induced drug abuse relapse of methamphetamine and cocaine.
Bodywork: Why stomach illnesses hit children hardest
As the pandemic has eased, I’ve noticed an increase in stomach illnesses among friends and acquaintances.
Promise shown in new physical therapy treatment for MS symptoms
A novel regimen seems to enhance mobility without causing fatigue.
Bodywork: Can high cholesterol have roots in DNA?
I’m 35, I lost 60 pounds, eat a Mediterranean diet and exercise daily. Yet, at my physical last month, my cholesterol was still high. Can this be genetic?
OMRF honors scientists at spring board meeting
Foundation presents four scientific awards, one endowed chair
Bodywork: Weighing a second Covid-19 booster
So, I can get the booster. But should I?