With vaccinations up and case numbers down nationwide, will the mutations undo recent progress?
OMRF researcher honored by Lupus Foundation of America
The award recognizes Merrill’s exceptional contributions to the field in her nearly 30 years as a lupus physician and researcher.
Now that hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans have been vaccinated, when can they get back to normal?
Now that hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans have been vaccinated, many are wondering how and when they can return to normal, pre-pandemic life.
OMRF uses zebra fish to study human diseases
Zebra fish could lead to improved treatments for a variety of human ailments.
Researchers study how COVID-19 affects your heart
Heart problems are side effects rarely discussed with Covid-19 but doctors say it could mean the difference between life or death.
Don’t let Covid-19 break your heart this Valentine’s Day
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., and experts warn that Covid-19’s effects on the heart may cement that ranking for years to come.