With the current surge in COVID-19 cases, it seems highly unlikely that a large community exercise event could be made safe.
Business of Health: Modern ‘Anti-Mask League’ totally misses the point
If we’re going to tame this virus, we all need to do our part.
Wear masks, experts urge Oklahomans
Mask-wearing has become a hot-button issue for some. But experts stress that masks simply serve as a way we can protect fellow Oklahomans from a potentially deadly virus.
Bodywork: With more cases, why no rise in virus deaths?
As coronavirus cases have surged recently, why haven’t we seen a corresponding increase in deaths?
Bodywork: So, six health experts walk into a restaurant. Or, actually, they don’t.
Go to the gym? Get a haircut? Where do we draw the line in the time of coronavirus?
Business of Health: How the virus is aging us
Age is just a number? Tell that to the coronavirus.