About 1.5 million Americans – primarily women – have the autoimmune disease
Bodywork: Are autoimmune diseases on the rise?
It seems autoimmune diseases like lupus and multiple sclerosis have been on the rise. Is my perception a product of my surroundings, or has there really been a surge?
OMRF awarded $6.4 million for lupus study, seeks study volunteers
Researchers seek participants who are at high risk of developing lupus
Changing The Odds
March Today, just 1 in 5,000 experimental compounds proves safe and effective enough to reach patients. For new drugs, the road to hospitals and clinics is steep and long. Researchers screen countless promising compounds, but they choose only a few to begin clinical trials. Of those selected, roughly 9 out of 10 will fail. For that […]
Election to the National Academy of Medicine is but the latest first for Dr. Judith James Dr. Judith James can’t remember not wanting to be a doctor. As a 5-year-old, James, who had severe asthma, shared her career intentions with her pediatrician. “He said if I wanted to become a nurse, he would be happy […]
OMRF receives $480,000 to study genetic drivers of lupus
Research will target specific regions of DNA strands to understand role of genetic variants