We all know that exercise is good for us, but motivation can be hard. However, during a pandemic, exercise might – literally – save our lives.
On Your Health
Becoming a coronavirus vaccine guinea pig
So, how do you feel about needles? Me, I’m not a big fan. As I’ve aged, I have become more accustomed to getting poked by healthcare providers as they inject or withdraw fluids from my body. Still, I don’t go out of my way to get stuck. To the contrary, if there’s a way to […]
Living with cancer in the age of Covid-19
A little more than three years ago, I was diagnosed with urothelial cancer. The prognosis was grim, and I thought I’d be lucky to make it to the end of the year. Well, here I still am. The ride has been longer and wilder than I could have imagined: chemotherapy, surgery, immune therapy, metastasis, hair […]
Business of Health: What tornadoes can teach us about Covid-19
As a race, we humans often fall prey to tendencies that distort our view of dangers.
Business of Health: Giving it the old college try
It’s going to be a different world for students on college campuses across the country this fall. Provided they come to campus at all.
Business of Health: The virus is making us all uncomfortable
The coronavirus has begun to insinuate itself into every social interaction we have, even the most glancing ones.