Scientist hopes to better understand T cells
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Bodywork: Time to put over-the-counter cold medicines on ice?
Last week, we talked about nutrition when you have a cold or other respiratory virus. But what about treatments? How well do over-the-counter medicines work, especially when it comes to relieving stuffiness and congestion?
Presbyterian Health Foundation awards $932,000 to OMRF
Fifteen grants will fund wide range of studies
Bodywork: Should you feed a cold and starve a fever?
With the many respiratory viruses going around, I’m reminded of an old adage: Feed a cold and starve a fever. Does this time-worn advice hold true?
OMRF scientists discover link to form of MS
The finding could lead to a treatment breakthrough for primary-progressive MS
OMRF Fleming Scholar applications open for high school, college students
Applications are due Feb. 1 for the summer program