Adam’s Journal Almost six months ago, I suffered a hamstring injury while running. It is no exaggeration to say that (caution, Dad joke ahead) it’s been hamstringing me ever since. I’ve tried rest, cross-training, stretching and rehab exercises, but nothing has seemed to work. A friend recently suggested a platelet-rich plasma injection. What do you […]
Hal Scofield
Bodywork: AirPods as hearing aids? Really?
Adam’s Journal I saw a headline that the Food and Drug Administration has approved Apple AirPods as hearing aids. Seriously? Is this some sort of marketing ploy by Apple? Dr. Scofield Prescribes Your eyes did not deceive you. And while I understand your skepticism, this has the potential to be a major benefit for many […]
Bodywork: The Best Time for a Flu Shot
Adam’s Journal ‘Tis the season – for pharmacies to advertise flu shots. Pretty much every drugstore I pass seems to be encouraging folks to come in and get their annual flu shots. Is now the right time to get vaccinated? Dr. Scofield Prescribes In life, getting a jump start on things is often a good […]
Bodywork: Do antacids prevent altitude sickness?
Adam’s Journal During a hiking trip, a friend relayed a piece of advice she’d received: To prevent altitude sickness, take an antacid. Now, when she and her husband head to the mountains, they chew on Tums. Is there any merit to this approach? Dr. Scofield Prescribes Hmm. This was a new one for me. But […]
Bodywork: Time for another Covid shot?
Adam’s Journal Here’s a question from an Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation coworker: My wife and I are about to go on a long-anticipated trip to Europe. I got my last Covid booster almost a year ago, and I’m in my early 60s. Given the number of cases going around now, should I get another shot […]
Bodywork: Is there any amount of alcohol that’s okay?
OMRF physician-scientist Dr. Hal Scofield opens “Adam’s Journal” to answer a medical question from Adam Cohen, OMRF’s senior vice president & general counsel. Adam’s Journal Here’s a question from a reader: About 15 years ago at my yearly check-up, my physician asked if I drink alcohol. When I replied that I enjoyed a beer or […]