What did you say thanks for Thursday when you sat down for your turkey dinner? For Norman’s Mike Schuster, the blessings this year were in abundance when he gathered Thanksgiving at his in-laws’ home.
On Your Health
A tale of two vaccines
In a world where just about anything we need or want can be summoned in a maximum of 48 hours with a click of a button, waiting a year for something can seem an eternity.
Five reasons to be excited about vaccine news
Just in time for the holidays, we received some much-needed glad tidings on the Covid-19 front. Pfizer and its partner, Germany’s BioNTech, announced preliminary results from the trial of their experimental vaccine. Although the companies still must wait another few weeks until they have enough data to apply to the FDA for emergency approval, the […]
An Alzheimer’s breakthrough at long last?
You’ll be forgiven if you missed the news about Alzheimer’s this past week. Because, let’s face it, who wasn’t a bit distracted by the Election Day that turned into an Election Week? (And let’s hope it’s only a week.) To catch you up, on Wednesday, clinical reviewers at the Food and Drug Administration gave a […]
Why we want our workforce to vote
If there’s one thing Democrats and Republicans can agree on, it’s that no less than the future of this country is at stake in Tuesday’s presidential election.
Can testing provide a way forward?
Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths are rising at alarming rates across the region and country.