Is a Covid-19 vaccine before the end of the year still a reality?
Business of Health: Giving it the old college try
It’s going to be a different world for students on college campuses across the country this fall. Provided they come to campus at all.
Can you get Covid-19 twice?
Can we get coronavirus twice? Unlikely, at least in the short term.
Bodywork: Masks lessen virus severity
Masks slow the spread of the coronavirus. And while they can’t fully protect us, there’s mounting evidence that they can lessen the severity if we do get infected.
Business of Health: The virus is making us all uncomfortable
The coronavirus has begun to insinuate itself into every social interaction we have, even the most glancing ones.
Bodywork: More questions about coronavirus antibodies
There are a lot of accounts of antibodies rapidly disappearing once people recover from coronavirus — and leaving people prone to reinfection.