OMRF raised $695,000 from a pair of events Sunday and Monday. Proceeds from the events will support medical research projects at the Oklahoma City nonprofit.
The foundation’s annual “241” events—two events for one great cause—consisted of a wine festival and concert by Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame composer-guitarists Dave Mason and Steve Cropper and their Rock and Soul Revue on Sunday. The fundraiser was capped off by a golf tournament Monday at Oak Tree National Golf Course in Edmond.
This was OMRF’s seventh year to hold the benefit, which has raised $4,562,000 for research since 2012. Funds raised this year will be used for research areas where the need is greatest and for promising projects that need additional funding. In the past, event proceeds have gone to support research in cancer, multiple sclerosis and cardiovascular disease. “Events like these provide OMRF’s scientists with the necessary resources to continue the search for new treatments for a wide range of diseases,” said OMRF President Stephen Prescott, M.D.“We are grateful to those who’ve chosen to support our 241 events. With their gifts, they are making a difference that will benefit the health of generations to come.”
Honorary chairs for this year’s events were Becky and Barry Switzer. Ann-Clore and Walt Duncan served as sponsorship chairs.
Lead event sponsors included: The Chickasaw Nation, OPUBCO, Presbyterian Health Foundation, Ronald Rosenfeld, Susan and Stephen Prescott, Virginia and John Groendyke, William D. Hawley, M.D., American Fidelity/InvesTrust, Leslie and Cliff Hudson, Beatrice C. Wallace, Gene Rainbolt, the Mary K. Chapman Foundation, Tyler Media, Danny Zelisko Presents, Devon Energy Corporation, and Katie and Tony Say.
“Our 241 events have one goal: to support medical research,” said OMRF Vice President of Development Penny Voss. “The funds we raise help our researchers keep looking for answers to conditions that impact so many of us.”