(OKLAHOMA CITY) — Federal judges met to discuss DNA technology today, but instead of wearing their traditional black robes, these judges donned white lab coats. The judges participated in the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation’s workshop called “Forensic Genetics: A Laboratory Course in Molecular Fingerprinting,” which is a hands-on seminar in DNA technology. This is the […]
Research Foundation’s NIH Grant Funding Makes Unprecedented Leap Growth Linked to High Quality of Research
Scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation have garnered an unprecedented $12.1 million in National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants in 1999, Foundation officials announced today. In a typical year, OMRF receives $7.7 to $8.0 million in competitive grants from NIH. This year, however, the figure shot up by more than 50 percent. While the […]
Science Lectures at OMRF To Focus on Heart Disease, Lupus, and Germs
“From Bench to Bedside: Biomedicine at the New Millennium,” a series of free public lectures presented by scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, is scheduled to begin October 7 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Oklahoma City. OMRF’s nationally and internationally recognized biomedical researchers will explain in easily understood terms the latest research being done […]
National Conference on Sjogren’s Syndrome to be Held in Oklahoma City
Patients who suffer with this autoimmune disease, as well as physicians who treat it, will gather in Oklahoma City Saturday, October 31 for the Ninth Annual National Conference for Sjogren’s Syndrome (NSSA). Chairman of the symposium is Morris Reichlin, M.D., Head of the Arthritis and Immunology Research Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation and […]
“Bench to Bedside” Series to Show How Scientific Research Benefits Humankind
“From Bench to Bedside: Biomedicine at the New Millenium,” a series of free public lectures this fall sponsored by the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, will feature nationally and internationally recognized OMRF scientists and physicians presenting the lastest research being done on a number of high profile diseases and conditions. “These exciting and informative programs are […]
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation announces common virus may cause lupus
A group of scientists from the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) today announced that Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (lupus) may be caused by a common virus. Their results will be published today in the The Journal of Clinical Investigation. The work being reported raises suspicion that a common virus, known as Epstein-Barr virus, may be the culprit […]