2002 Scientific Publications
Arthritis and Immunology Research Program
Edberg,J.C., C.D.Langefeld, J.Wu, K.L.Moser, K.M.Kaufman, J.Kelly, V.Bansal, W.M.Brown, J.E.Salmon, S.S.Rich, J.B.Harley, and R.P.Kimberly. 2002. Genetic linkage and association of Fc gamma receptor IIIA (CD16A) on chromosome 1q23 with human systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 46:2132-2140. [Abstract]
Gillan,M.M., R.H.Scofield, and J.B.Harley. 2002. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis presenting as bilateral knee arthropathy. J Okla.State Med Assoc. 95:323-325.[Abstract]
Gordon,T.P., G.Kinoshita, D.Cavill, C.Keech, A.Farris, K.Kaufman, J.McCluskey, and A.Purcell. 2002. Restricted specificity of intermolecular spreading to endogenous La (SS-B) and 60 kDa Ro (SS-A) in experimental autoimmunity. Scand.J Immunol. 56:168-173.[Abstract]
Harley,J.B. 2002. The genetic etiology of systemic lupus erythematosus: a short dispatch from the combat zone. Genes Immun. 3 Suppl 1:S1-S4.
Harley,J.B. and J.A.Kelly. 2002. Genetic basis of systemic lupus erythematosus: a review of the unique genetic contributions in African Americans. J Natl.Med Assoc. 94:670-677.[Abstract]
Harley,J.B., J.Trent, and D.L.Kastner. 2002. American College of Rheumatology Basic Research Conference: Genetics and genomics in rheumatic disease. Arthritis Rheum. 47:93-98.
Ibanez,L., M.V.Marcos, N.Potau, C.White, C.E.Aston, and S.F.Witchel. 2002. Increased frequency of the G972R variant of the insulin receptor substrate-1 (irs-1) gene among girls with a history of precocious pubarche. Fertil.Steril. 78:1288-1293. [Abstract]
Kanagasegar,S., R.Cimaz, B.T.Kurien, A.Brucato, and R.H.Scofield. 2002. Neonatal lupus manifests as isolated neutropenia and mildly abnormal liver functions. J Rheumatol. 29:187-191.[Abstract]
Kaufman,K.M., J.Rankin, I.T.Harley, J.A.Kelly, J.B.Harley, and R.H.Scofield. 2002. A genetic marker within the CD44 gene confirms linkage at 11p13 in African-American families with lupus stratified by thrombocytopenia, but genetic association with CD44 is not present. Genes Immun. 3 Suppl 1:S86-S88.[Abstract]
Kelly,J.A., K.L.Moser, and J.B.Harley. 2002. The genetics of systemic lupus erythematosus: putting the pieces together. Genes Immun. 3 Suppl 1:S71-85.[Abstract]
Kelly,J.A., K.Thompson, J.Kilpatrick, T.Lam, S.K.Nath, C.Gray-McGuire, J.Reid, B.Namjou, C.E.Aston, G.R.Bruner, R.H.Scofield, and J.B.Harley. 2002. Evidence for a susceptibility gene (SLEH1) on chromosome 11q14 for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) families with hemolytic anemia. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci U.S.A. 99:11766-71.[Abstract]
Kimm,S.Y., N.W.Glynn, C.E.Aston, C.M.Damcott, E.T.Poehlman, S.R.Daniels, and R.E.Ferrell. 2002. Racial differences in the relation between uncoupling protein genes and resting energy expenditure. Am.J Clin.Nutr. 75:714-719.[Abstract]
Kurien,B.T. and R.H.Scofield. 2002. Extraction of nucleic Acid fragments from gels. Anal.Biochem. 302:1-9. [Abstract]
Kurien,B.T. and R.H.Scofield. 2002. Heat-mediated, ultra-rapid electrophoretic transfer of high and low molecular weight proteins to nitrocellulose membranes. J Immunol.Methods 266:127-133.[Abstract]
Lutz,C.S., M.T.McClain, J.B.Harley, and J.A.James. 2002. Anti-U1A monoclonal antibodies recognize unique epitope targets of U1A which are involved in the binding of U1 RNA. J Mol.Recognit. 15:163-170.[Abstract]
* McClain,M.T., P.A.Ramsland, K.M.Kaufman, and J.A.James. 2002. Anti-sm autoantibodies in systemic lupus target highly basic surface structures of complexed spliceosomal autoantigens. J Immunol. 168:2054-2062.[Abstract]
McClain,M., R.Scofield, B.Kurien, T.Gross, and J.James. 2002. Selective Small Antigenic Structures are Capable of Inducing Widespread Autoimmunity which Closely Mimics the Humoral Fine Specificity of Human SLE. Scand.J Immunol. 56:399-407.[Abstract]
Namjou,B., S.K.Nath, J.Kilpatrick, J.A.Kelly, J.Reid, J.A.James, and J.B.Harley. 2002. Stratification of pedigrees multiplex for systemic lupus erythematosus and for self-reported rheumatoid arthritis detects a systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility gene (SLER1) at 5p15.3. Arthritis Rheum. 46:2937-2945. [Abstract]
Namjou,B., S.K.Nath, J.Kilpatrick, J.A.Kelly, J.Reid, M.Reichlin, J.A.James, and J.B.Harley. 2002. Genome scan stratified by the presence of anti-double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) autoantibody in pedigrees multiplex for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) establishes linkages at 19p13.2 (SLED1) and 18q21.1 (SLED2). Genes Immun. 3 Suppl 1:S35-S41.[Abstract]
Nath,S.K., A.Chakravarti, C.H.Chen, R.Cooper, A.Weder, and N.J.Schork. 2002. Segregation analysis of blood pressure and body mass index in a rural US community. Hum.Biol 74:11-23. [Abstract]
Nath,S.K., J.A.Kelly, J.Reid, T.Lam, C.Gray-McGuire, B.Namjou, C.E.Aston, and J.B.Harley. 2002. SLEB3 in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is strongly related to SLE families ascertained through neuropsychiatric manifestations. Hum.Genet. 111:54-58. [Abstract]
Olson,J.M., Y.Song, D.M.Dudek, K.L.Moser, J.A.Kelly, G.R.Bruner, K.J.Downing, C.K.Berry, J.A.James, and J.B.Harley. 2002. A genome screen of systemic lupus erythematosus using affected-relative-pair linkage analysis with covariates demonstrates genetic heterogeneity. Genes Immun. 3 Suppl 1:S5-S12.[Abstract]
* Ouyang,Y.B., J.T.Crawley, C.E.Aston, and K.L.Moore. 2002. Reduced body weight and increased post-implantation fetal death in tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase-1 deficient mice. J Biol Chem 277:23781-23787[Abstract]
Prokunina,L., C.Castillejo-Lopez, F.Oberg, I.Gunnarsson, L.Berg, V.Magnusson, A.J.Brookes, D.Tentler, H.Kristjansdottir, G.Grondal, A.I.Bolstad, E.Svenungsson, I.Lundberg, G.Sturfelt, A.Jonssen, L.Truedsson, G.Lima, J.Alcocer-Varela, R.Jonsson, U.B.Gyllensten, J.B.Harley, D.Alarcon-Segovia, K.Steinsson, and M.E.Alarcon-Riquelme. 2002. A regulatory polymorphism in PDCD1 is associated with susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus in humans. Nat.Genet.32: 666-9. [Abstract]
Quintero-Del-Rio,A.I. 2002. Antiphospholipid antibodies in pediatrics. Curr.Rheumatol.Rep. 4:387-391.[Abstract]
Quintero-Del-Rio,A.I., J.A.Kelly, J.Kilpatrick, J.A.James, and J.B.Harley. 2002. The genetics of systemic lupus erythematosus stratified by renal disease: linkage at 10q22.3 (SLEN1), 2q34-35 (SLEN2), and 11p15.6 (SLEN3). Genes Immun. 3 Suppl 1:S57-62.[Abstract]
Reichlin,M. 2002. ENA: its place in medicine. Lupus 11:201-203. [Abstract]
Sanders,E.B., C.E.Aston, R.E.Ferrell, and S.F.Witchel. 2002. Inter- and intrafamilial variability in premature pubarche and polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil.Steril. 78:473-478. [Abstract]
Sawalha,A.H., B.Namjou, S.K.Nath, J.Kilpatrick, A.Germundson, J.A.Kelly, D.Hutchings, J.James, and J.Harley. 2002. Genetic linkage of systemic lupus erythematosus with chromosome 11q14 (SLEH1) in African-American families stratified by a nucleolar antinuclear antibody pattern. Genes Immun. 3 Suppl 1:S31-S34.[Abstract]
Scofield,R.H., P.G.Pierce, J.A.James, K.M.Kaufman, and B.T.Kurien. 2002. Immunization with Peptides from 60 kDa Ro in Diverse Mouse Strains. Scand.J Immunol. 56:477-483. [Abstract]
Shamim,E.A., L.G.Rider, J.P.Pandey, T.P.O’Hanlon, L.J.Jara, E.A.Samayoa, R.Burgos-Vargas, J.Vazquez-Mellado, J.Alcocer-Varela, M.Salazar-Paramo, A.G.Kutzbach, J.D.Malley, I.N.Targoff, I.G.La Torre, and F.W.Miller. 2002. Differences in idiopathic inflammatory myopathy phenotypes and genotypes between Mesoamerican Mestizos and North American Caucasians: Ethnogeographic influences in the genetics and clinical expression of myositis. Arthritis Rheum. 46:1885-1893.[Abstract]
Stein,C.M., J.M.Olson, C.Gray-McGuire, G.R.Bruner, J.B.Harley, and K.L.Moser. 2002. Increased prevalence of renal disease in systemic lupus erythematosus families with affected male relatives. Arthritis Rheum. 46:428-435.[Abstract]
Targoff,I.N. 2002. Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy: autoantibody update. Curr.Rheumatol.Rep. 4:434-441.[Abstract]
Targoff,I.N. 2002. Laboratory testing in the diagnosis and management of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Rheum.Dis.Clin.North Am. 28:859-90, viii. [Abstract]
Tsao,B.P., J.M.Grossman, G.Riemekasten, N.Strong, J.Kalsi, D.J.Wallace, C.J.Chen, C.S.Lau, E.M.Ginzler, R.Goldstein, K.C.Kalunian, J.B.Harley, F.C.Arnett, B.H.Hahn, and R.M.Cantor. 2002. Familiality and co-occurrence of clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 46:2678-2685.[Abstract]
Zhang,W., M.B.Frank, and M.Reichlin. 2002. Production and characterization of human monoclonal anti-idiotype antibodies to anti-dsDNA antibodies. Lupus 11:362-369.[Abstract]
Cardiovascular Biology Research Program
Baglin,T.P., R.W.Carrell, F.C.Church, C.T.Esmon, and J.A.Huntington. 2002. Crystal structures of native and thrombin-complexed heparin cofactor II reveal a multistep allosteric mechanism. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci U.S.A ;99:11079-11084.[Abstract]
Biguzzi,E., J.M.Gu, G.Merati, N.L.Esmon, and C.T.Esmon. 2002. Point mutations in the endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) promoter. Thromb.Haemost. 87:1085-1086. [Abstract[
Compernolle,V., K.Brusselmans, T.Acker, P.Hoet, M.Tjwa, H.Beck, S.Plaisance, Y.Dor, E.Keshet, F.Lupu, B.Nemery, M.Dewerchin, P.Van Veldhoven, K.Plate, L.Moons, D.Collen, and P.Carmeliet. 2002. Loss of HIF-2alpha and inhibition of VEGF impair fetal lung maturation, whereas treatment with VEGF prevents fatal respiratory distress in premature mice. Nat Med. 8: 702-710. Corrigendum: Nat Med, v.8(11), 2002, p.1329 [Abstract]
Conway,E.M., S.Pollefeyt, M.Steiner-Mosonyi, W.Luo, A.Devriese, F.Lupu, F.Bono, N.Leducq, F.Dol, P.Schaeffer, D.Collen, and J.M.Herbert. 2002. Deficiency of survivin in transgenic mice exacerbates Fas-induced apoptosis via mitochondrial pathways. Gastroenterology 123:619-631.[Abstract]
Cooper,S.T., A.R.Rezaie, C.T.Esmon, and F.C.Church. 2002. Inhibition of a thrombin anion-binding exosite-2 mutant by the glycosaminoglycan-dependent serpins protein C inhibitor and heparin cofactor II. Thromb.Res. 107:67-73. [Abstract]
Crawley,J.T., D.A.Goulding, V.Ferreira, N.J.Severs, and F.Lupu. 2002. Expression and localization of tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 in normal and atherosclerotic human vessels. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol 22:218-224.[Abstract]
Crawley,J.T., J.M.Gu, G.Ferrell, and C.T.Esmon. 2002. Distribution of endothelial cell protein C/activated protein C receptor (EPCR) during mouse embryo development. Thromb.Haemost. 88:259-266.[Abstract]
Esmon,C.T. 2002. Protein C pathway in sepsis. Ann.Med 34:598-605. [Abstract]
Esmon,C.T. 2002. New mechanisms for vascular control of inflammation mediated by natural anticoagulant proteins. J Exp.Med 196:561-564. [Abstract]
Gu,J.M., J.T.Crawley, G.Ferrell, F.Zhang, W.Li, N.L.Esmon, and C.T.Esmon. 2002. Disruption of the endothelial cell protein C receptor gene in mice causes placental thrombosis and early embryonic lethality. J Biol Chem. 277:43335-43 [Abstract]
Hicks,A.E., A.Leppanen, R.D.Cummings, R.P.McEver, P.G.Hellewell, and K.E.Norman. 2002. Glycosulfopeptides modeled on P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 inhibit P-selectin-dependent leukocyte rolling in vivo. FASEB J 16:1461-1462.[Abstract]
Hinsdale,M.E., P.M.Sullivan, H.Mezdour, and N.Maeda. 2002. ApoB-48 and apoB-100 differentially influence the expression of type-III hyperlipoproteinemia in APOE*2 mice. J Lipid Res. 43:1520-1528.[Abstract]
Jilma,B., C.Marsik, F.Mayr, M.T.Graninger, F.B.Taylor, Jr., M.C.Ribel, E.Erhardtsen, S.Handler, and H.G.Eichler. 2002. Pharmacodynamics of active site-inhibited factor VIIa in endotoxin-induced coagulation in humans. Clin.Pharmacol.Ther. 72:403-410.[Abstract]
Kehoe,J.W., D.J.Maly, D.E.Verdugo, J.I.Armstrong, B.N.Cook, Y.B.Ouyang, K.L.Moore, J.A.Ellman, and C.R.Bertozzi. 2002. Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase inhibitors generated by combinatorial target-Guided ligand assembly. Bioorg.Med Chem.Lett. 12:329-332.[Abstract]
Kim,A.Y., P.L.Walinsky, F.D.Kolodgie, C.Bian, J.L.Sperry, C.B.Deming, E.A.Peck, J.G.Shake, G.B.Ang, R.H.Sohn, C.T.Esmon, R.Virmani, R.S.Stuart, and J.J.Rade. 2002. Early loss of thrombomodulin expression impairs vein graft thromboresistance: implications for vein graft failure. Circ.Res. 90:205-212.[Abstract]
Kobzdej,M.M., A.Leppanen, V.Ramachandran, R.D.Cummings, and R.P.McEver. 2002. Discordant expression of selectin ligands and Sialyl Lewis x-related epitopes on murine myeloid cells. Blood 100:4485-94. [Abstract]
Kottke-Marchant,K. and P.Comp. 2002. Laboratory issues in diagnosing abnormalities of protein C, thrombomodulin, and endothelial cell protein C receptor. Arch.Pathol.Lab Med 126:1337-1348. [Abstract]
Leppanen,A., L.Penttila, O.Renkonen, R.P.McEver, and R.D.Cummings. 2002. Glycosulfopeptides with O-glycans containing sialylated and polyfucosylated polylactosamine bind with low affinity to P-selectin. J Biol Chem. 277:39749-39759.[Abstract]
Luttun,A., F.Lupu, E.Storkebaum, M.F.Hoylaerts, L.Moons, J.Crawley, F.Bono, A.R.Poole, P.Tipping, J.M.Herbert, D.Collen, and P.Carmeliet. 2002. Lack of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 promotes growth and abnormal matrix remodeling of advanced atherosclerotic plaques in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol 22:499-505.[Abstract]
Mattot,V., L.Moons, F.Lupu, D.Chernavvsky, R.A.Gomez, D.Collen, and P.Carmeliet. 2002. Loss of the VEGF(164) and VEGF(188) Isoforms Impairs Postnatal Glomerular Angiogenesis and Renal Arteriogenesis in Mice. J Am.Soc.Nephrol. 13:1548-1560.[Abstract]
McEver,R.P. 2002. P-selectin and PSGL-1: exploiting connections between inflammation and venous thrombosis. Thromb.Haemost. 87:364-365. [Abstract]
McEver,R.P. 2002. Selectins: lectins that initiate cell adhesion under flow. Curr.Opin.Cell Biol 14:581-586. [Abstract]
Neuenschwander,P.F., J.T.Vernon, and J.H.Morrissey. 2002. Tissue factor alters the pK(a) values of catalytically important factor VIIa residues. Biochemistry 41:3364-3371.[Abstract]
* Oganesyan,V., N.Oganesyan, S.Terzyan, D.Qu, Z.Dauter, N.L.Esmon, and C.T.Esmon. 2002. The crystal structure of the endothelial protein C receptor and a bound phospholipid. J Biol Chem 277: 24851-4.[Abstract]
* Ouyang,Y.B., J.T.Crawley, C.E.Aston, and K.L.Moore. 2002. Reduced body weight and increased post-implantation fetal death in tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase-1 deficient mice. J Biol Chem 277: 23781-23787[Abstract]
Pysher,T.J., R.L.Siegler, V.L.Tesh, and F.B.Taylor. 2002. von Willebrand Factor Expression in a Shiga Toxin-mediated Primate Model of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. Pediatr.Dev.Pathol. Sep-Oct;5(5):472-9.{Abstract]
* Rufer,A., P.Neuenschwander, and B.Sauer. 2002. Analysis of Cre-loxP interaction by surface plasmon resonance: Influence of spermidine on cooperativity. Anal.Biochem. 308:90-99.[Abstract]
Schmidt,A.E., K.Padmanabhan, M.C.Underwood, W.Bode, T.Mather, and S.P.Bajaj. 2002. Thermodynamic linkage between the S1 site, the Na+ site, and the Ca2+ site in the protease domain of human activated protein C (APC). Sodium ion in the APC crystal structure is coordinated to four carbonyl groups from two separate loops. J Biol Chem. 277:28987-28995.[Abstract]
Siegler,R.L., T.J.Pysher, V.L.Tesh, N.D.Denkers, and F.B.Taylor. 2002. Prophylactic heparinization is ineffective in a primate model of hemolytic uremic syndrome. Pediatr.Nephrol. 17:1053-1058. [Abstract]
Siegler,R.L., T.J.Pysher, V.L.Tesh, and F.B.Taylor. 2002. Renal prostacyclin biosynthesis in a baboon model of shiga toxin mediated hemolytic uremic syndrome. Nephron 92:363-368.[Abstract]
Srivastava,A., J.Wang, R.Majumder, A.R.Rezaie, J.Stenflo, C.T.Esmon, and B.R.Lentz. 2002. Localization of phosphatidylserine binding sites to structural domains of factor Xa. J Biol Chem. 277:1855-1863.[Abstract]
Taylor,F.B. 2002. ATP-MgCl2 during hyperdynamic porcine endotoxemia*. Crit Care Med 30:1923.
Walcheck,B., A.Leppanen, R.D.Cummings, R.N.Knibbs, L.M.Stoolman, S.R.Alexander, P.E.Mattila, and R.P.McEver. 2002. The monoclonal antibody CHO-131 binds to a core 2 O-glycan terminated with sialyl-Lewis x, which is a functional glycan ligand for P-selectin. Blood 99:4063-4069.[Abstract]
Xia,L., M.Sperandio, T.Yago, J.M.McDaniel, R.D.Cummings, S.Pearson-White, K.Ley, and R.P.McEver. 2002. P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1-deficient mice have impaired leukocyte tethering to E-selectin under flow. J Clin.Invest 109:939-950.[Abstract]
Yago,T., A.Leppanen, H.Qiu, W.D.Marcus, M.U.Nollert, C.Zhu, R.D.Cummings, and R.P.McEver. 2002. Distinct molecular and cellular contributions to stabilizing selectin-mediated rolling under flow. J Cell Biol 158:787-799.[Abstract]
* Yokota,T., C.S.Meka, K.L.Medina, H.Igarashi, P.C.Comp, M.Takahashi, M.Nishida, K.Oritani, J.I.Miyagawa, T.Funahashi, Y.Tomiyama, Y.Matsuzawa, and P.W.Kincade. 2002. Paracrine regulation of fat cell formation in bone marrow cultures via adiponectin and prostaglandins. J Clin.Invest 109:1303-1310.[Abstract]
Clinical Pharmacology Research Program
Erkan,D., H.W.Zhang, R.C.Shriky, and J.T.Merrill. 2002. Dual antibody reactivity to beta2-glycoprotein I and protein S: increased association with thrombotic events in the antiphospholipid syndrome. Lupus 11:215-220.[Abstract]
Kalunian,K.C., J.C.Davis, Jr., J.T.Merrill, M.C.Totoritis, and D.Wofsy. 2002. Treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus by inhibition of T cell costimulation with anti-CD154: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Arthritis Rheum. 46:3251-3258. [Abstract]
Merrill,J.T. 2002. Measuring disease activity in systemic lupus: progress and problems. J Rheumatol. 29:2256-2257.
Merrill,J.T. 2002. Regulation of the vasculature: clues from lupus. Curr.Opin.Rheumatol. 14:504-509.[Abstract]
Petri,M.A., R.G.Lahita, R.F.Van Vollenhoven, J.T.Merrill, M.Schiff, E.M.Ginzler, V.Strand, A.Kunz, K.J.Gorelick, and K.E.Schwartz. 2002. Effects of prasterone on corticosteroid requirements of women with systemic lupus erythematosus: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Arthritis Rheum. 46:1820-1829.[Abstract]
Comparative Medicine
* Hensley,K., R.A.Floyd, B.Gordon, S.Mou, Q.N.Pye, C.Stewart, M.West, and K.Williamson. 2002. Temporal patterns of cytokine and apoptosis-related gene expression in spinal cords of the G93A-SOD1 mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurochem. 82:365-374.[Abstract]
Crystallography Research Program
Bourne,P.C., P.A.Ramsland, L.Shan, Z.C.Fan, C.R.DeWitt, B.B.Shultz, S.S.Terzyan, C.R.Moomaw, C.A.Slaughter, L.W.Guddat, and A.B.Edmundson. 2002. Three-dimensional structure of an immunoglobulin light-chain dimer with amyloidogenic properties. Acta Crystallogr.D.Biol Crystallogr. 58:815-823.[Abstract]
Cowley,A.B., A.Altuve, O.Kuchment, S.Terzyan, X.Zhang, M.Rivera, and D.R.Benson. 2002. Toward Engineering the Stability and Hemin-Binding Properties of Microsomal Cytochromes b(5) into Rat Outer Mitochondrial Membrane Cytochrome b(5): Examining the Influence of Residues 25 and 71. Biochemistry 41:11566-11581.[Abstract]
Edmundson,A.B. 2002. Reminiscences: joyous moments along the road from here to there and back again. J Mol.Recognit. 15:227-239. [Abstract]
Hanson,B.L., G.J.Bunick, J.M.Harp, and A.B.Edmundson. 2002. Mcg in 2030: new techniques for atomic position determination of immune complexes. J Mol.Recognit. 15:297-305.[Abstract]
* Kim,Y.T., D.Downs, S.Wu, A.Dashti, Y.Pan, P.Zhai, X.Wang, X.C.Zhang, and X.Lin. 2002. Enzymic properties of recombinant BACE2. Eur.J Biochem. 269:5668-5677. [Abstract]
* McClain,M.T., P.A.Ramsland, K.M.Kaufman, and J.A.James. 2002. Anti-sm autoantibodies in systemic lupus target highly basic surface structures of complexed spliceosomal autoantigens. J Immunol. 168:2054-2062.[Abstract]
* Oganesyan,V., N.Oganesyan, S.Terzyan, D.Qu, Z.Dauter, N.L.Esmon, and C.T.Esmon. 2002. The crystal structure of the endothelial protein C receptor and a bound phospholipid. J Biol Chem 277: 24851-4.[Abstract]
Robey,I.F., A.B.Edmundson, S.F.Schluter, D.E.Yocum, and J.J.Marchalonis. 2002. Specificity mapping of human anti-T cell receptor monoclonal natural antibodies: defining the properties of epitope recognition promiscuity. FASEB J 16:642-652.[Abstract]
Shaw,D.C., B.B.Shultz, P.A.Ramsland, and A.B.Edmundson. 2002. Dealing with intractable protein cores: protein sequencing of the Mcg IgG and the Yvo IgM heavy chain variable domains. J Mol.Recognit. 15:341-348.[Abstract]
Yuriev,E., P.A.Ramsland, and A.B.Edmundson. 2002. Recognition of IgG-derived peptides by a human IgM with an unusual combining site. Scand.J Immunol. 55:242-255.[Abstract]
* Wakeham,N., S.Terzyan, P.Zhai, J.A.Loy, J.Tang, and X.C.Zhang. 2002. Effects of deletion of streptokinase residues 48-59 on plasminogen activation. Protein Eng 15:753-761. [Abstract]
Developmental Biology Research Program
Costa,J.L., M.B.Brennen, and U.Hochgeschwender. 2002. The human genetics of eating disorders lessons from the leptin/melanocortin system. Child Adolesc.Psychiatr.Clin.N.Am. 11:387-397.[Abstract]
* Rufer,A., P.Neuenschwander, and B.Sauer. 2002. Analysis of Cre-loxP interaction by surface plasmon resonance: Influence of spermidine on cooperativity. Anal.Biochem. 308:90-99.[Abstract]
Rufer,A.W. and B.Sauer. 2002. Non-contact positions impose site selectivity on Cre recombinase. Nucleic Acids Res. 30:2764-2771.[Abstract]
Free Radical Biology and Aging Research Program
Biegon,A., M.Alvarado, T.F.Budinger, R.Grossman, K.Hensley, M.S.West, Y.Kotake, M.Ono, and R.A.Floyd. 2002. Region-selective effects of neuroinflammation and antioxidant treatment on peripheral benzodiazepine receptors and NMDA receptors in the rat brain. J Neurochem. 82:924-934.[Abstract]
Boomsma,M.M., D.J.Stearns-Kurosawa, C.A.Stegeman, E.Raschi, P.L.Meroni, S.Kurosawa, and J.W.Cohen Tervaert. 2002. Plasma levels of soluble endothelial cell protein C receptor in patients with Wegener’s granulomatosis. Clin.Exp.Immunol. 128:187-194.[Abstract]
Floyd,R.A. and K.Hensley. 2002. Oxidative stress in brain aging. Implications for therapeutics of neurodegenerative diseases. Neurobiol.Aging 23:795.[Abstract]
Floyd,R.A., K.Hensley, M.J.Forster, J.A.Kelleher-Andersson, and P.L.Wood. 2002. Nitrones, their value as therapeutics and probes to understand aging. Mech.Ageing Dev. 123:1021-1031.[Abstract]
Floyd,R.A., K.Hensley, M.J.Forster, J.A.Kelleher-Anderson, and P.L.Wood. 2002. Nitrones as Neuroprotectants and Antiaging Drugs. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci 959:321-329.[Abstract]
Floyd,R.A., Y.Kotake, K.Hensley, D.Nakae, and Y.Konishi. 2002. Reactive oxygen species in choline deficiency induced carcinogenesis and nitrone inhibition. Mol.Cell Biochem. 234-235:195-203.[Abstract]
Hensley,K. and R.A.Floyd. 2002. Reactive oxygen species and protein oxidation in aging: a look back, a look ahead. Arch.Biochem.Biophys. 397:377-383.[Abstract]
* Hensley,K., R.A.Floyd, B.Gordon, S.Mou, Q.N.Pye, C.Stewart, M.West, and K.Williamson. 2002. Temporal patterns of cytokine and apoptosis-related gene expression in spinal cords of the G93A-SOD1 mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurochem. 82:365-374.[Abstract]
Kotake,Y., H.Sang, T.Tabatabaie, G.L.Wallis, D.R.Moore, and C.A.Stewart. 2002. Interleukin-10 overexpression mediates phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone protection from endotoxemia. Shock 17:210-216.[Abstract]
Naito,Y., T.Takagi, T.Ishikawa, O.Handa, N.Matsumoto, N.Yagi, K.Matsuyama, N.Yoshida, T.Yoshikawa, and Y.Kotake. 2002. Aalpha-Phenyl-N-tert-Butylnitrone Provides Protection from Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis in Mice. Antioxid.Redox.Signal. 4:195-206.[Abstract]
Stearns-Kurosawa,D.J., K.Swindle, A.D’Angelo, V.P.Della, A.Fattorini, N.Caron, M.Grimaux, B.Woodhams, and S.Kurosawa. 2002. Plasma levels of endothelial protein C receptor respond to anticoagulant treatment. Blood 99:526-530.[Abstract]
Sueishi Y, Yoshioka C, Olea-Azar C, L.A.Reinke, and Y.Kotake. 2002. Substituent effect on the rate of the hydroxyl and phenyl radical spin trapping with nitrones. Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn 75:2043-2047.
* Sun,A., G.Koelsch, J.Tang, and G.Bing. 2002. Localization of beta-secretase memapsin 2 in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients and normal aged controls. Exp.Neurol. 175:10-22.[Abstract]
Towner,R., R.Mason, and L.Reinke. 2002. In vivo detection of aflatoxin-induced lipid free radicals in rat bile. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1573:55-62.[Abstract]
Williamson,K.S., J.D.Petty, J.N.Huckins, J.A.Lebo, and E.M.Kaiser. 2002. Sequestration of priority pollutant PAHs from sediment pore water employing semipermeable membrane devices. Chemosphere 49:717-729. [Abstract]
Williamson,K.S., J.D.Petty, J.N.Huckins, J.A.Lebo, and E.M.Kaiser. 2002. HPLC-PFD determination of priority pollutant PAHs in water, sediment, and semipermeable membrane devices. Chemosphere 49:703-715. [Abstract]
Williamson,K.S., G.S.Prasad, S.Mou, M.West, Q.N.Pye, W.R.Markesbery, R.V.Cooney, P.Grammas, U.Reimann-Philipp, R.A.Floyd, and K.Hensley. 2002. The Nitration Product 5-Nitro-gamma-tocopherol Is Increased in the Alzheimer Brain. Nitric.Oxide. 6:221-227.[Abstract]
Functional Proteomics Laboratory
* Kim,Y.T., D.Downs, S.Wu, A.Dashti, Y.Pan, P.Zhai, X.Wang, X.C.Zhang, and X.Lin. 2002. Enzymic properties of recombinant BACE2. Eur.J Biochem. 269:5668-5677. [Abstract]
Pan,Y., P.Zhai, A.M.Dashti, S.Wu, X.Lin, and M.Wu. 2002. A combined gene delivery by co-transduction of adenoviral and retroviral vectors for cancer gene therapy. Cancer Lett. 184:179-188.[Abstract]
Immunobiology and Cancer Research Program
Albrecht,B., C.D.D’Souza, W.Ding, S.Tridandapani, K.M.Coggeshall, and M.D.Lairmore. 2002. Activation of nuclear factor of activated T cells by human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 accessory protein p12(I). J Virol. 76:3493-3501.[Abstract]
Chi,M., S.Tridandapani, W.Zhong, K.M.Coggeshall, and R.F.Mortensen. 2002. C-Reactive Protein Induces Signaling Through FcgammaRIIa on HL-60 Granulocytes. J Immunol. 168:1413-1418.[Abstract]
Coggeshall,K.M. 2002. Negative signaling. Mol.Immunol. 39:519-520.
Coggeshall,K.M. 2002. Regulation of signal transduction by the Fc gamma receptor family members and their involvement in autoimmunity. Curr.Dir.Autoimmun. 5:1-29.[Abstract]
Coggeshall,K.M., K.Nakamura, and H.Phee. 2002. How do inhibitory phosphatases work? Mol.Immunol. 39:521-529. [Abstract]
Goebel,P., A.Montalbano, N.Ayers, E.Kompfner, L.Dickinson, C.F.Webb, and A.J.Feeney. 2002. High Frequency of Matrix Attachment Regions and Cut-Like Protein x/CCAAT-Displacement Protein and B Cell Regulator of IgH Transcription Binding Sites Flanking Ig V Region Genes. J Immunol. 169:2477-2487.[Abstract]
Hirose,J., T.Kouro, H.Igarashi, T.Yokota, N.Sakaguchi, and P.W.Kincade. 2002. A developing picture of lymphopoiesis in bone marrow. Immunol.Rev. 189:28-40.[Abstract]
Igarashi,H., S.Gregory, T.Yokota, N.Sakaguchi, and P.Kincade. 2002. Transcription from the RAG1 Locus Marks the Earliest Lymphocyte Progenitors in Bone Marrow. Immunity. 17:117-30.[Abstract]
Isenberg,J.S. 2002. Sense and sensibility: breast reconstruction with innervated TRAM flaps. J Reconstr.Microsurg. 18:23-28.[Abstract]
Jacob,A., D.Cooney, M.Pradhan, and K.M.Coggeshall. 2002. Convergence of signaling pathways on the activation of ERK in B cells. J Biol Chem 277: 23420-23426.[Abstract]
Kim,D., M.Xu, L.Nie, X.C.Peng, E.Jimi, R.E.Voll, T.Nguyen, S.Ghosh, and X.H.Sun. 2002. Helix-loop-helix proteins regulate pre-TCR and TCR signaling through modulation of Rel/NF-kappaB activities. Immunity. 16:9-21.[Abstract]
Kincade,P.W., H.Igarashi, K.L.Medina, T.Kouro, T.Yokota, M.I.Rossi, J.J.Owen, K.P.Garrett, X.H.Sun, and N.Sakaguchi. 2002. Lymphoid lineage cells in adult murine bone marrow diverge from those of other blood cells at an early, hormone-sensitive stage. Semin.Immunol. 14:385-394. [Abstract]
Kincade,P.W., J.J.Owen, H.Igarashi, T.Kouro, T.Yokota, and M.I.Rossi. 2002. Nature or nurture? Steady-state lymphocyte formation in adults does not recapitulate ontogeny. Immunol.Rev. 187:116-25.[Abstract]
Kouro,T., V.Kumar, and P.W.Kincade. 2002. Relationships between early B- and NK-lineage lymphocyte precursors in bone marrow. Blood 100:3672-3680. [Abstract]
Nakamura,K., A.Malykhin, and K.M.Coggeshall. 2002. The Src homology 2 domain-containing inositol 5-phosphatase negatively regulates Fcgamma receptor-mediated phagocytosis through immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif-bearing phagocytic receptors. Blood 100:3374-3382.[Abstract]
Sun,X.H. and P.W.Kincade. 2002. Gatekeeper mechanisms for immature B cells. Nat.Immunol. 3:898-899.
Synnestvedt,K., G.T.Furuta, K.M.Comerford, N.Louis, J.Karhausen, H.K.Eltzschig, K.R.Hansen, L.F.Thompson, and S.P.Colgan. 2002. Ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73) regulation by hypoxia-inducible factor-1 mediates permeability changes in intestinal epithelia. J Clin.Invest 110:993-1002.[Abstract]
Van De Wiele,C.J., J.G.Vaughn, M.R.Blackburn, C.A.Ledent, M.Jacobson, H.Jiang, and L.F.Thompson. 2002. Adenosine kinase inhibition promotes survival of fetal adenosine deaminase-deficient thymocytes by blocking dATP accumulation. J Clin.Invest 110:395-402.[Abstract]
* Yokota,T., C.S.Meka, K.L.Medina, H.Igarashi, P.C.Comp, M.Takahashi, M.Nishida, K.Oritani, J.I.Miyagawa, T.Funahashi, Y.Tomiyama, Y.Matsuzawa, and P.W.Kincade. 2002. Paracrine regulation of fat cell formation in bone marrow cultures via adiponectin and prostaglandins. J Clin.Invest 109:1303-1310.[Abstract]
Lipid and Lipoprotein Laboratory
Alaupovic,P. 2002. On the atherogenicity of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and a novel marker for the assessment of their atherogenic potentials. OCL-OL Corps Gras Li 9:220-226.
Dashti,N., M.Gandhi, X.Liu, X.Lin, and J.P.Segrest. 2002. The N-terminal 1000 residues of apolipoprotein B associate with microsomal triglyceride transfer protein to create a lipid transfer pocket required for lipoprotein assembly. Biochemistry 41:6978-6987.[Abstract]
Delplanque,B., B.LeRoy, C.Senault, G.Peterson, A.Thaminy-Dekar, M.Tavella, P.Alaupovic, and F.Mendy. 2002. Distribution anormale des apolipoproteines CIII et diminution de la capacite d’efflux de cholesterol du plasma de sujets normolipidemiques presentant une maladie coronarienne precoce. OCL-OL Corps Gras Li 9:227-231.
Hannuksela,M.L., M.E.Brousseau, S.M.Meyn, H.Nazih, G.Bader, R.D.Shamburek, P.Alaupovic, and H.B.Brewer. 2002. In vivo metabolism of apolipoprotein E within the HDL subpopulations LpE, LpE:A-I, LpE:A-II and LpE:A-I:A-II. Atherosclerosis 165:205-220. [Abstract]
Lee,D.M., W.H.Hoffman, G.F.Carl, M.Khichi, and P.E.Cornwell. 2002. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant vitamins prior to, during, and after correction of diabetic ketoacidosis. J Diabetes Complications 16:294-300.[Abstract]
Lee,D.M., C.Knight-Gibson, O.Samuelsson, P.O.Attman, C.S.Wang, and P.Alaupovic. 2002. Lipoprotein particle abnormalities and the impaired lipolysis in renal insufficiency. Kidney Int. 61:209-218.[Abstract]
Moberly,J.B., P.O.Attman, O.Samuelsson, A.C.Johansson, C.Knight-Gibson, and P.Alaupovic. 2002. Alterations in lipoprotein composition in peritoneal dialysis patients. Perit.Dial.Int. 22:220-228.[Abstract]
Sacks,F.M., P.Alaupovic, and L.A.Moye. 2002. Effect of pravastatin on apolipoproteins B and C-III in very-low-density lipoproteins and low-density lipoproteins. Am.J Cardiol. 90:165-167.
Samuelsson,O., P.O.Attman, C.Knight-Gibson, H.Mulec, L.Weiss, and P.Alaupovic. 2002. Fluvastatin improves lipid abnormalities in patients with moderate to advanced chronic renal insufficiency. Am.J Kidney Dis. 39:67-75[Abstract]
Schweitzer,M., D.Tessier, W.D.Vlahos, L.Leiter, J.P.Collet, M.J.McQueen, L.Harvey, and P.Alaupovic. 2002. A comparison of pravastatin and gemfibrozil in the treatment of dyslipoproteinemia in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Atherosclerosis 162:201-210.[Abstract]
Singh,A.B., S.Hsia, P.Alaupovic, I.Sinha-Hikim, L.Woodhouse, T.A.Buchanan, R.Shen, R.Bross, N.Berman, and S.Bhasin. 2002. The effects of varying doses of T on insulin sensitivity, plasma lipids, apolipoproteins, and C-reactive protein in healthy young men. J Clin.Endocrinol.Metab 87:136-143.[Abstract]
Molecular and Cellular Biology Research Program
Belfiore,M., L.D.Mathies, P.Pugnale, G.Moulder, R.Barstead, J.Kimble, and A.Puoti. 2002. The MEP-1 zinc-finger protein acts with MOG DEAH box proteins to control gene expression via the fem-3 3′ untranslated region in Caenorhabditis elegans. RNA. 8:725-739.[Abstract]
Clarke,M., J.Kohler, J.Heuser, and G.Gerisch. 2002. Endosome fusion and microtubule-based dynamics in the early endocytic pathway of dictyostelium. Traffic. 3:791-800.[Abstract]
Clarke,M., J.Kohler, Q.Arana, T.Liu, J.Heuser, and G.Gerisch. 2002. Dynamics of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase in the contractile vacuole complex and the endosomal pathway of Dictyostelium cells. J Cell Sci 115:2893-2905.[Abstract]
Crittenden,S.L., D.S.Bernstein, J.L.Bachorik, B.E.Thompson, M.Gallegos, A.G.Petcherski, G.Moulder, R.Barstead, M.Wickens, and J.Kimble. 2002. A conserved RNA-binding protein controls germline stem cells in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature 417:660-663.[Abstract]
Edgley,M., A.D’Souza, G.Moulder, S.McKay, B.Shen, E.Gilchrist, D.Moerman, and R.Barstead. 2002. Improved detection of small deletions in complex pools of DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 30:e52.[Abstract]
Fields,S.D., Q.Arana, J.Heuser, and M.Clarke. 2002. Mitochondrial membrane dynamics are altered in cluA- mutants of Dictyostelium. J Muscle Res.Cell Motil. 23:829-838. [Abstract]
Gerisch,G., J.Heuser, and M.Clarke. 2002. Tubular-vesicular transformation in the contractile vacuole system of dictyostelium. Cell Biol Int 26:845-852. [Abstract]
Harris,R.L. and P.M.Silverman. 2002. Roles of internal cysteines in the function, localization, and reactivity of the TraV outer membrane lipoprotein encoded by the F plasmid. J Bacteriol. 184:3126-3129.[Abstract]
Liu,T., C.Mirschberger, L.Chooback, Q.Arana, Z.Dal Sacco, H.MacWilliams, and M.Clarke. 2002. Altered expression of the 100 kDa subunit of the Dictyostelium vacuolar proton pump impairs enzyme assembly, endocytic function and cytosolic pH regulation. J Cell Sci 115:1907-1918.[Abstract]
Sanchez,T.A., J.L.Booth, and J.P.Metcalf. 2002. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha activation by adenovirus E1A 13S CR3 occurs in a cell-dependent and cell-independent manner. Am.J Physiol Lung Cell Mol.Physiol 283:L619-L627.[Abstract]
Tobin,D., D.Madsen, A.Kahn-Kirby, E.Peckol, G.Moulder, R.Barstead, A.Maricq, and C.Bargmann. 2002. Combinatorial Expression of TRPV Channel Proteins Defines Their Sensory Functions and Subcellular Localization in C. elegans Neurons. Neuron 35:307-318.[Abstract]
Molecular Immunogenetics Research Program
Rodgers,W. 2002. Automated method for quantifying fluorophore colocalization in fluorescence double-labeling experiments. Biotechniques 32:28, 30, 32, 34.
Rodgers,W. 2002. Making membranes green: construction and characterization of GFP-fusion proteins targeted to discrete plasma membrane domains. Biotechniques 32:1044-6, 1048, 1050-1.[Abstract]
Rodgers,W., S.J.Jordan, and J.D.Capra. 2002. Transient association of Ku with nuclear substrates characterized using fluorescence photobleaching. J Immunol. 168:2348-2355.[Abstract]
White,K.D. and J.D.Capra. 2002. Targeting Mucosal Sites by Polymeric Immunoglobulin Receptor-directed Peptides. J Exp.Med 196:551-555.[Abstract]
Protein Studies Research Program
Benes,P., G.Koelsch, B.Dvorak, M.Fusek, and V.Vetvicka. 2002. Detection of procathepsin D in rat milk. Comp Biochem.Physiol B Biochem.Mol.Biol 133:113-118. [Abstract]
Ghosh,A.K., L.Hong, and J.Tang. 2002. beta-Secretase as a Therapeutic Target for Inhibitor Drugs. Curr.Med Chem. 9:1135-1144.[Abstract]
He,X., W.P.Chang, G.Koelsch, and J.Tang. 2002. Memapsin 2 (beta-secretase) cytosolic domain binds to the VHS domains of GGA1 and GGA2: implications on the endocytosis mechanism of memapsin 2. FEBS Lett. 524:183-187.[Abstract]
Hong,L., R.T.Turner III, G.Koelsch, A.K.Ghosh, and J.Tang. 2002. Memapsin 2 (beta-secretase) as a therapeutic target. Biochem.Soc.Trans. 30:530-534.[Abstract]
Hong,L., R.T.Turner, III, G.Koelsch, D.Shin, A.K.Ghosh, and J.Tang. 2002. Crystal structure of memapsin 2 (beta-secretase) in complex with an inhibitor OM00-3. Biochemistry 41:10963-10967.[Abstract]
* Sun,A., G.Koelsch, J.Tang, and G.Bing. 2002. Localization of beta-secretase memapsin 2 in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients and normal aged controls. Exp.Neurol. 175:10-22.[Abstract]
Turner,R.T., III, J.A.Loy, C.Nguyen, T.Devasamudram, A.K.Ghosh, G.Koelsch, and J.Tang. 2002. Specificity of memapsin 1 and its implications on the design of memapsin 2 (beta-secretase) inhibitor selectivity. Biochemistry 41:8742-8746.[Abstract]
* Wakeham,N., S.Terzyan, P.Zhai, J.A.Loy, J.Tang, and X.C.Zhang. 2002. Effects of deletion of streptokinase residues 48-59 on plasminogen activation. Protein Eng 15:753-761. [Abstract]
Lane,D.M., W.J.McConathy, M.A.McCaffree, and M.Hall. 2002. Cord serum lipid and apolipoprotein levels in preterm infants with the neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. J Matern.Fetal Neonatal Med 11:118-125.[Abstract]
* Indicates publications by more than one department.