Last night was a big one for our state. I am, of course, writing this before President Trump held his campaign rally in Tulsa. So, I can’t say how many folks actually showed up at the BOK Center. Or whether lots of additional people packed into overflow seating offsite. Nonetheless, I feel confident saying that […]
Anderson Cooper 360: Dr. Prescott addresses health concerns ahead of President’s Tulsa rally
Dr. Prescott went on CNN with Anderson Cooper to address Covid-19 concerns ahead of President Trump’s rally in Tulsa.
Bodywork: Do temperature scans help curb the virus?
Are temperature checks an effective tool for controlling the spread of the coronavirus?
Business of Health: Confronting science’s race participation problem
On Wednesday, according to an online petition, almost 6,000 scientists shut down their labs, teaching and other activities to protest racism.
Bodywork: Do protests increase risk of coronavirus outbreaks?
Rallies across the country have seen thousands of people packed together. Should we expect to see a surge in coronavirus cases as a result?
Business of Health: On the road again?
So, what do your summer vacation plans look like?