Jennie Criley, D.V.M.
Director of Comparative Medicine & Attending Veterinarian
Research Associate Professor
Before coming to OMRF in 2019, my research centered on an infectious model of inflammatory bowel disease in immunocompetent mice. I am currently interested in the role of husbandry as a potential research variable and gnotobiotic mouse techniques.
At the University of Illinois—Urbana Champaign College of Veterinary Medicine, I served as Associate Director, Division of Animal Resources, and Clinical Associate Professor. Prior to that, I held positions as a veterinarian and veterinary consultant in Illinois, New York and Missouri. I am also certified by the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine.
As Director of OMRF’s Comparative Medicine Department, I oversee operations for the Laboratory Animal Resource Center, which encompasses more than 75,000 square feet in 3 separate facilities. Our department also coordinates and provides training on the care and use of animals for OMRF faculty, staff and trainees.
Selected Publications
Henze TM, Allison SO, Criley J, Myers S, Goodly LJ. 2016. Cross training laboratory animal care personnel in physically separate animal facilities at a land grant institution. J Am Assoc Lab Animal Sci. 55(5):601-605. PMID: 27657717 PMCID: PMC5029833
Allison, SO, JM Criley JM, Kim JY, Goodly LJ. 2011. Cage change intervals for opossums (Monodelphis domestica) in individually ventilated cages. J Am Assoc Lab Animal Sci. 50(5):647-52. PMID: 22330710 PMCID: PMC3189667
Myles, MH, Dieckgraefe BK, Criley JM, Franklin CL. 2007. Characterization of cecal gene expression in a differentially susceptible mouse model of bacterial-induced inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis, 13(7):822-36. PMID: 17455200
Livingston, RS, Myles MH, Livingston BA, Criley JM, Franklin CL. 2003. Sex influence on chronic intestinal inflammation in Helicobacter hepaticus-infected A/JCr mice. Comp Med. 54(3):301-308. PMID: 15253277
Myles, MH, Livingston RS, Livingston BA, Criley JM, Franklin CL. 2003. Analysis of gene expression in ceca of Helicobacter hepaticus-infected A/JCr Mice before and after development of typhlitis. Infect Immun.71(7):3885-3893. PMID: 12819073 PMCID: PMC162032
Criley J, Carty AJ, Besch-Williford C, Franklin C. 2001. Coxiella burnetii infection in C.B.- 17 scid-bg mice xenotransplanted with fetal bovine tissue. Comp Med. 51(3):357-360. PMID: 11924795
Comparative Medicine, MS 32
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
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Oklahoma City, OK 73104
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