(OKLAHOMA CITY) — The Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation today announced it had raised more than half of the $100 million goal of the campaign. Launched on November 10, 1999, OMRF’s “For the Future of Medical Research” campaign seeks to raise $100 million over the next five years for endowment needs and capital improvements. As of […]
OMRF Dedicates Chapman Research Building $4.5 Million Project Includes Renovation, New Facilities
(OKLAHOMA CITY) — Today, the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation officially dedicated the Chapman Research Building. The $4.5 million project was financed by gifts from the J.A. and Leta Chapman Trust. The project included both new construction and renovated space totaling 17,795 square feet, bringing the total square footage of the Chapman Research Building and Pavilion […]
OMRF Receives Gift from Sarkeys Foundation Campaign to raise $100 million in 5 years exceeds half-way mark in only eight months
(OKLAHOMA CITY) — The Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation today announced the endowment of the G.T. Blankenship Chair in Alzheimer’s and Aging Research. The chair was made possible through a grant from the Sarkeys Foundation. “OMRF is fortunate to have received such a generous gift from the Sarkeys Foundation,” said OMRF President J. Donald Capra, M.D. […]
OMRF Researchers Discover Limitin A new interferon-like substance
(OKLAHOMA CITY) — Scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) have announced the discovery of a new interferon-like substance they named “limitin” because of its ability to limit tumor cell growth. Limitin is partially similar in structure to the type I interferons, naturally occurring proteins first discovered for their ability to curtail viral replication. […]
Federal Judges Get Hands-On Lesson in DNA Trading the Judicial Bench for the Laboratory Bench, Judges Take Course in DNA Technology
(OKLAHOMA CITY) — Federal judges met to discuss DNA technology today, but instead of wearing their traditional black robes, these judges donned white lab coats. The judges participated in the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation’s workshop called “Forensic Genetics: A Laboratory Course in Molecular Fingerprinting,” which is a hands-on seminar in DNA technology. This is the […]
Tang Receives Brumback Award for Excellence in Research
(OKLAHOMA CITY) — Today, Jordan Tang, Ph.D., was presented the Brumback Excellence in Research Award by the Alzheimer’s Association of Oklahoma, Central Oklahoma Branch. Dr. Tang is the J.G. Puterbaugh Chair in Biomedical Research and Head of the Protein Studies Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. The award was presented during the Alzheimer’s Association’s […]