Tania Reyna
Neurologist, Clinical Assistant Member
Multiple Sclerosis Center of Excellence
Very early on, I learned that multiple sclerosis would be my niche. I remember my first year in residency meeting a woman who is still our patient today. She was in her early 20s with two children, and she’d had a terrible relapse. She was in the hospital. I felt a connection to her because we were both young females, and I wanted to try to do something for her. But MS is not like blood pressure. You can’t just pop a pill and keep it controlled. So many things can go wrong in MS: motor functions, vision, sensory deficits. It’s not a cookie-cutter thing. That’s why this is challenging. You must think differently for every patient.
Joined OMRF in 2014
Tips Tania offers her patients:
1. If you smoke, stop!
2. Regular physical activity is important
3. Focus on the positive