OMRF is offering scholarships for Oklahoma science teachers to participate in its 2009 Foundation Scholar Program.
For two decades, OMRF’s Foundation Scholar Program has helped Oklahoma science teachers build their classroom curriculum through hands-on laboratory work and interaction with scientists and other educators. Scholarships provide a $2,000 stipend plus housing (if needed) and $1,000 in laboratory and classroom supplies.
The program provides selected teachers with methods for developing projects to use in their classrooms and laboratories. The course involves elements of chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, structural biology, bioinformatics and medical science and affords scholars considerable laboratory experience.
The program will run from June 8 to July 2, and the application deadline is March 1. Oklahoma middle and high school teachers with at least three years classroom experience are eligible to apply.
In 2008, teachers from Medford, Moore, Putnam City, Deer Creek and Oklahoma City school districts were selected as Foundation Scholars. Since 1988, more than 80 Oklahoma science teachers have participated in the program.
“We provide four weeks of laboratory work plus time for interaction and sharing of ideas among peers,” said course director Tim Mather, Ph.D. “They leave OMRF with a support network, as well as new ideas for enriching their classroom teaching experience. And the knowledge they gain here is passed on not only to their students but to their colleagues at their home schools as well.”