In a study published tomorrow in The New England Journal of Medicine, scientists report that in patients suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus (commonly known as lupus), autoantibodies – proteins that the body mistakenly unleashes against its own tissue – are typically present years before patients are diagnosed with the disease. This research by scientists at […]
Kerr Foundation Endows Second OMRF Chair
For the second time in 13 months, a substantial gift from the Kerr Foundation has created a new endowed chair at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. The most recent donation will establish the Lou C. Kerr Endowed Chair in Biomedical Research. Robert S. Kerr Jr. made the gift on behalf of the Kerr Foundation in […]
Kerr Foundation Endows Second OMRF Chair
For the second time in 13 months, a substantial gift from the Kerr Foundation has created a new endowed chair at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. The most recent donation will establish the Lou C. Kerr Endowed Chair in Biomedical Research. Robert S. Kerr Jr. made the gift on behalf of the Kerr Foundation in […]
Oklahoma City, OK – The Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation hosted the first international Lupus genetics conference on September 8-9. Although scientists have been using modern approaches to study the genetics of Lupus for the past ten years, there has never been a formal meeting dedicated to the subject. This meeting was meant to facilitate meetings […]
Federal Judges Get Hands-On Lesson in DNA Trading the Judicial Bench for the Laboratory Bench, Judges Take Course in DNA Technology
(OKLAHOMA CITY) — Federal judges met to discuss DNA technology today, but instead of wearing their traditional black robes, these judges donned white lab coats. The judges participated in the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation’s workshop called “Forensic Genetics: A Laboratory Course in Molecular Fingerprinting,” which is a hands-on seminar in DNA technology. This is the […]
Research Foundation’s NIH Grant Funding Makes Unprecedented Leap Growth Linked to High Quality of Research
Scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation have garnered an unprecedented $12.1 million in National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants in 1999, Foundation officials announced today. In a typical year, OMRF receives $7.7 to $8.0 million in competitive grants from NIH. This year, however, the figure shot up by more than 50 percent. While the […]