Publication PMID: 34930819
Ugarte-Gil MF, Mak A, Leong J, Dharmadhikari B, Kow NY, Reátegui-Sokolova C, Elera-Fitzcarrald C, Aranow C, Arnaud L, Askanase AD, Bae SC, Bernatsky S, Bruce IN, Buyon J, Costedoat-Chalumeau N, Dooley MA, Fortin PR, Ginzler EM, Gladman DD, Hanly J, Inanc M, Isenberg D, Jacobsen S, James JA, Jönsen A, Kalunian K, Kamen DL, Lim SS, Morand E, Mosca M, Peschken C, Pons-Estel BA, Rahman A, Ramsey-Goldman R, Reynolds J, Romero-Diaz J, Ruiz-Irastorza G, Sánchez-Guerrero J, Svenungsson E, Urowitz M, Vinet E, van Vollenhoven RF, Voskuyl A, Wallace DJ, Petri MA, Manzi S, Clarke AE, Cheung M, Farewell V, Alarcon GS. Impact of glucocorticoids on the incidence of lupus-related major organ damage: a systematic literature review and meta-regression analysis of longitudinal observational studies. Lupus Sci Med 8, 2021 December, PMID: 34930819, PMCID: PMC8689160