Publication PMID: 21978998
Castillejo-López C, Delgado-Vega AM, Wojcik J, Kozyrev SV, Thavathiru E, Wu YY, Sánchez E, Pöllmann D, López-Egido JR, Fineschi S, Domínguez N, Lu R, James JA, Merrill JT, Kelly JA, Kaufman KM, Moser KL, Gilkeson G, Frostegård J, Pons-Estel BA, D'Alfonso S, Witte T, Callejas JL, Harley JB, Gaffney PM, Martin J, Guthridge JM, Alarcón-Riquelme ME. Genetic and physical interaction of the B-cell systemic lupus erythematosus-associated genes BANK1 and BLK. Ann Rheum Dis 71:136-42, 2012 January, PMID: 21978998, PMCID: PMC3268679