Brian Sauer, Ph.D., one of the world’s leaders in genetic engineering, has recently been appointed to head the newly-instituted Developmental Biology Research Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, announced J. Donald Capra, M.D., president. The first new research program at OMRF in a decade, this program had been funded in part by a $3 […]
Worm Research Aids Gene Data Local Scientist IDs Roles
The recent completion of the genetic mapping of a common soil-dwelling worm is likely to put a companion research project in Oklahoma on the map for scientists around the world. The project could make the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation in Oklahoma City a high-tech worm farm. On December 11, an international research team lead by […]
For the Future of Oklahoma: $100 Million for Biomedical Research
Each year the federal government, through the National Institutes of Health, awards about $10 billion of research grants to the biomedical research efforts in colleges, universities and not-for-profit research foundations. Based on Oklahoma’s population, we should be receiving approximately $100 million in NIH grants each year. Currently, we receive only $31 million in funding from […]
National Conference on Sjogren’s Syndrome to be Held in Oklahoma City
Patients who suffer with this autoimmune disease, as well as physicians who treat it, will gather in Oklahoma City Saturday, October 31 for the Ninth Annual National Conference for Sjogren’s Syndrome (NSSA). Chairman of the symposium is Morris Reichlin, M.D., Head of the Arthritis and Immunology Research Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation and […]
Medical Research Gets Healthy Boost in Survey
Oklahomans place such a high value on medical research that more than half said they would be willing to pay $1 more for each prescription drug or $1 more per week in taxes to fund it. Officials representing the Presbyterian Health Foundation, the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation and the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center […]
“Bench to Bedside” Series to Show How Scientific Research Benefits Humankind
“From Bench to Bedside: Biomedicine at the New Millenium,” a series of free public lectures this fall sponsored by the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, will feature nationally and internationally recognized OMRF scientists and physicians presenting the lastest research being done on a number of high profile diseases and conditions. “These exciting and informative programs are […]