OMRF is committed to the training and education of Oklahomans from elementary school and up!
Discovery Kits
With the generous support of Sarkeys Foundation, OMRF has created a hands-on science experiment to distribute to 7th-grade science classrooms statewide. Science teachers who participate in the program will receive a stipend. This is a win-win for Oklahoma students – it injects critical support into our schools and opens new avenues of learning for thousands of students statewide.
Putnam City Junior Scientist Day
Putnam City Junior Scientist Day is an annual event that gives Putnam City students a chance to meet researchers and try hands-on experiments in OMRF’s labs. The event dates to 1979, four years after the district created the Putnam City Cancer Drive and designated OMRF as the beneficiary. Since then, students, teachers and parents have raised nearly $4 million for cancer research at OMRF.